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US: The Famuan

Found: Fri Dec 06 18:21:08 2024 PST
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The Famuan The Famuan


From FAMU to ESPN -- the journey of 90.5's sports director

Ahead of a quickly approaching Spring 2025 graduation, senior broadcast journalism student Jefferey Hood Jr will spend his spring semester in "Queen City" Charlotte, North Carolina, as a production intern at ESPN. Taking it to the next level, Hood will spend his days editing video content and gaining hands-on experience [...]


Zayla Bryant is a tenacious leader

Sometimes, we hold ourselves back from reaching our greatest potential because we're safe in our comfort zones. However, when we get comfortable with the uncomfortable, life's challenges and opportunities have the power to mold us into the most impactful versions of ourselves. For Zayla Bryant, a third-year business administration student [...]


Ray Louchie: Straight outta Quincy

If you've ever driven through nearby Quincy, you might miss it. The small town, sitting just outside Tallahassee, doesn't scream "Hollywood," "fame" or "stardom." But if you listen closely, there's a sound rising from the dusty streets -- raw, uncut and full of grit. It's the sound of Ray [...]


Willayja Williams and her Read Aloud Program

In an era where technology often takes center stage, Willayja Williams, a second-year healthcare management scholar at Florida A&M University, created a meaningful, impactful initiative to instill the joys of reading and confidence in young children. As a high school student and emerging author, Williams founded her Read Aloud Program [...]

Gen Z's quick guide to the 2024 election

Voting has proven to be very stressful for the average American, especially Gen Z. There has been constant turmoil leading up to and during election season. Showcasing consistent division among Americans despite the country's suggestive name. Gallup-Walton Family Foundation survey found that Gen Z had little to no trust in [...]

Recent Posts *

From FAMU to ESPN -- the journey of 90.5's sports director

Jasmine Marshall changing what it means to be a barber

What's next for marijuana in Florida?

What's next for marijuana in Florida?December 7, 2024

Despite an endorsement from the 47th president-elect, Donald Trump, Amendment 3 did not pass in Florida. Amendment 3 was a [...]

Here's what's driving food insecurityDecember 7, 2024

Now that Thanksgiving is behind us, hopefully everyone got to eat good food and enjoy family, but food insecurity has steadily [...]

The battle against 'Stop WOKE' is far from overDecember 6, 2024

In April 2022, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed CS/HB 7: Individual Freedom, also known as the Stop "Wrong to Our Kids and [...] More in News ;

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Lifestyles *

Jasmine Marshall changing what it means to be a barberDecember 7, 2024

In Tallahassee, barbershops have always been places where men gather, talk and get fresh cuts. But Jasmine Marshall, a local [...]

Is Black Friday still a blowout?December 5, 2024

Most people remember their memories of Black Friday. The rush of shoppers feral to find $49 TVs and game consoles that'll be [...]

Driving safely in Tallahassee's college rushDecember 5, 2024

As the capital of Florida and home to a thriving student population, Tallahassee sees its fair share of bustling streets, crowded [...] More in Lifestyles ;

FAMU takes on rival BCUNovember 22, 2024

It's Florida Classic time for Florida A&M football. The Rattlers are ready to take on Bethune Cookman University after [...]

Rattlers fall at home in season openerNovember 12, 2024

The Howard Bisons defeated the Lady Rattlers in the season opener 78 to 66. Both teams showcased their fast-paced offense early [...]

FAMU heads to Prairie ViewNovember 12, 2024

The Florida A&M Rattlers are headed to Prairie View, Texas to take on the Prairie View A&M Panthers. The Rattlers are [...] More in Sports ;

* From FAMU to ESPN -- the journey of 90.5's sports director 37 views

* Jasmine Marshall changing what it means to be a barber 18 views

* What's next for marijuana in Florida? 23 views

* Here's what's driving food insecurity 9 views

* Zayla Bryant is a tenacious leader 31 views

* The battle against 'Stop WOKE' is far from over 9 views

* Declining home sales in Tallahassee 87 views

* Is Black Friday still a blowout? 56 views

* Driving safely in Tallahassee's college rush 158 views

* State's ban on social media for minors starts next month 65 views

The Famuan

analysis of article text

prohibitionist hits:0 government drug warrior (prohibition_agency) hits:0 propaganda (drugwar_propaganda) hits:10 legalization hits:0 drug_reformer hits:0 reform_referenda hits:0 cannabis hits:3 stimulant hits:0 narcotic hits:0 hallucinogen hits:0
    prohibitionist     prohibition_agency     drugwar_propaganda     legalization     drug_reformer
    reform_referenda     cannabis     stimulant     narcotic     hallucinogen

incarceration/prison mentioned? NO - the issue of prison or incarceration was NOT mentioned in this article .

propaganda analysis

explicit prohibition propaganda (explicit_propaganda) hits:0 hated group (propaganda_theme1) hits:0 madness, violence, illness (propaganda_theme2) hits:0 survival of society (propaganda_theme3) hits:4 gateway, use is abuse (propaganda_theme4) hits:0 children (propaganda_theme5) hits:4 demonize, war, epidemic (propaganda_theme6) hits:2 total prohibition (propaganda_theme7) hits:0 dissent opposed (propaganda_theme8) hits:0
EXP - explicit prohibition propaganda (explicit_propaganda) GRP - hated group (propaganda_theme1) MAD - madness, violence, illness (propaganda_theme2)
SOC - survival of society (propaganda_theme3) USE - gateway, use is abuse (propaganda_theme4) KID - children (propaganda_theme5)
WAR - demonize, war, epidemic (propaganda_theme6) TOT - total prohibition (propaganda_theme7) DIS - dissent opposed (propaganda_theme8)

 drug of abuse implied / mentioned

drug related
[news] [concept]

illegal drugs  
drugwar_propaganda : a drug war propaganda event, campaign release, slogan, or themepropaganda

drugwar propaganda 80%
[news] [concept]

propaganda theme3 propaganda theme5 propaganda theme6 Why Are Americans So Easy to Manipulate? (Bruce E Levine, 2012)
Classic Modern Drug Propaganda
Themes in Chemical Prohibition
Drug War Propaganda (kindle edition)
propaganda_theme3 : drug war propaganda theme: survival of societysurvival of society

propaganda theme3 65%
[news] [concept]

"Freedom" "American" "Americans" "the country"4Survival of Society (propaganda theme 3)
The "Nation" as a Device To Create a Psychological Crowd
propaganda_theme5 : drug war propaganda theme: children corrupted by drugschildren

propaganda theme5 80%
[news] [concept]

"children" "Kids" "minors" "high school student"4Children Corrupted (propaganda theme 5)
Think of the children
propaganda_theme6 : drug war propaganda theme: demonize; use of drugs is epidemic; wardemonize, war, epidemic

propaganda theme6 60%
[news] [concept]

"battle"2Demonize, War (propaganda theme 6)
List of Wars on Concepts
Perpetual war
The Failed War on Drugs (2012)
 drug of abuse

illegal drugs
[news] [concept]

 psychoactive plant

[news] [concept]

[news] [concept]
cannabis : cannabis (marijuana) product or usecannabis
[news] [concept]
"marijuana"3Cannabis: Religious and Spiritual Uses
Cannabis-Driving Studies Cannabis Link DB
Schaffer Library: Marijuana
U.S. Prisons Thriving on Jim Crow Marijuana Arrests (2013)
 youth 80%
[news] [concept]
propaganda theme5
[news] [concept]
"school" "college" "University"

st:0.01 fo:0 s:0 d:2.08 c:0.03 db:0.158 a:0.35 m:0.09 t:2.92 (f)

text of article used for CRITICAL ANALYSIS, under FAIR USE provisions of the Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. § 107, et al.

media charts

Bot's analysis of: "The Dangers and Consequences of Marijuana Abuse" the U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Demand Reduction Section, May 2014
more >>

Newsbot crossword puzzles!

Drug War

A review and analysis of modern prohibition rhetoric

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  •   Wonder Drug Cover-Up: Yes, it's true: pot fights cancer. more

    As Bad For Your Lungs As Smoking 20 Normal Cigarettes? 20 times more likely to cause cancer than tobacco? Why does the US Government make cannabis researchers use only Government-issued marijuana?


    Observer's Propaganda Picks
    dripping with drug-war propaganda!

    Prohibition-era cartoons
    Anti-prohibition political cartoons from Prohibition I.

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    article tags


    school concept
    youth concept
    cannabis concept - cannabis (marijuana) product or use
    intoxicant concept
    plants concept - Plants listed in this section are those which have been used by humans for their mind- or emotion-altering properties.
    illegal_drugs concept - drugs of abuse, so-called
    propaganda_theme6 concept - drug war propaganda theme: demonize; use of drugs is epidemic; war
    propaganda_theme5 concept - drug war propaganda theme: children corrupted by drugs
    propaganda_theme3 concept - drug war propaganda theme: survival of society
    drugwar_propaganda concept - a drug war propaganda event, campaign release, slogan, or theme
    drug_related concept - related to illegal drugs and prohibition