Email Options

If you experience any problems, contact


Now you can access your email account from anywhere via the web - enter your domain name and click 'Go':

Or type : http://yourdomain.org/cgi-bin/sm/ in your browser Address or Navigation bar [NOTE: POP ACCOUNTS ONLY]

For Username, type in the WHOLE email address your.name@yourdomain.com you wish to access and your password


To change the password for your email account, enter your domain name and click 'Go':


At Drug Policy Central, we try to protect you against unwanted spam, and we now offer you options to combat it. To change the spam settings for your email account, enter your domain name and click 'Go':

If you experience any problems, contact

Content Filter Preferences

You now have the option of having your incoming mail checked for spam content.

Content Filtering is done using the SpamAssassin package. SpamAssassin runs a variety of tests, assigning a score for each test. If the cumulative score for a message is 5.0 (the default) or greater, the message is considered to be spam. Please see SpamAssassin's tests for more information.

You may choose from the following preferences:

  • Off: Messages being delivered will be delivered exactly as received, with content filtering being performed.

  • Mark: Messages received will be processed through SpamAssassin. All messages delivered will include additional headers indicating the message's spam rating. Any messages with a spam rating of 5.0 or higher will include '*****SPAM*****' in the Subject and a report of the spam rating included at the top of the message body.

  • Bounce: Messages received will be processed through SpamAssassin, similar to the Mark option above. However, any messages with a spam rating of 5.0 (the default) or higher will be bounced back to the sender; no delivery will be made to your account.

The content filter preference applies to all deliveries for the account the message is addressed to. If you have an alias account called 'info', which is delivered to a forward account called 'sales' and a pop account called 'feedback', the content filter preferences for 'sales' and 'feedback' will be ignored for messages addressed to 'info'.

There is only one content filter preference for each unique account name. If you use the same account name for multiple account types, you will see 'see above' beside subsequent account entries in the account table above.

Content Filter Options

You will be able to control the spam rating threshold, whitelist and blacklist addresses. These options take effect when the content filter preference for an e-mail account is set to mark or bounce.

As noted above, the spam rating threshold is used to determine whether a message will be considered to be spam. Raising the threshold will mark fewer messages as spam, and lowering the threshold will mark more messages as spam. 5.0 is the default value.

Any addresses added to the 'whitelist' will be considered as non-spam addresses, and any messages arriving from those addresses will not be marked as spam, regardless of their content.

Addresses added to the 'blacklist' will be considered as spam addresses, and any messages arriving from those addresses will be marked as spam, regardless of their content.

Challenge Preferences

You now have the option of controlling delivery of messages from senders using our Challenge-Response system.

The challenge response system uses a blacklist and a whitelist. These lists contain email addresses "known" to the challenge response system. The challenge response blacklist and whitelist are independent of the SpamAssassin blacklist and whitelist. Content Filter rules, specified by your spam preference, are evaluated before the challenge response system.

When challenge response is active: You will not get emails from email addresses on your blacklist. The challenge response system will allow delivery of an email if the sender is on your whitelist.

When the sender of an incoming email is not on the blacklist, and not on the whitelist, the challenge response system will deliver a challenge to the sender, and hold the message in a "queue".
Note: the challenge response system has special rules for a message identified as a mailing list message or as a bounce message; mailing list messages are queued without challenge, bounce messages are delivered without challenge.

The challenge response system uses the message queue to remember messages for delivery when the sender is identified. Each user has their own seperate challenge response queue. Users of the challenge response system are responsible for maintaining their message queue. If the queue is not maintained by the user, messages will eventually be deleted automatically. For full details, see the configuration screen. The challenge response system provides an interface for users to review messages left in the queue.

You may choose from the following preferences:

  • Off: Messages will be delivered as they arrive, and no message will be challenged. This is the default.

  • Warn: Messages from unknown senders will be queued, but will _not_ be challenged. You will receive a notification message to let you know that a message has been added to your queue.

    This is the recommended setting when you first enable challenge-response. Challenge messages are often deemed unfriendly, and are particularly troublesome for mailing-lists. Using 'Warn' will give you the opportunity to establish your whitelist and blacklist without sending any challenges.

  • On: Messages from unknown senders will be queued and each sender will receive a challenge message. Senders must respond to challenges or their messages will not be delivered to you. When a sender responds to a challenge, their email address will be added to your whitelist, and any queued messages from them will be delivered to you.

For detailed information on the Challenge Response system, please see Introduction to our Challenge-Response e-mail system