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Prison for Profit
The Rise of the Prison Industrial Complex
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topics mentioned in news articles

These charts show the number of articles over some time period (hour, day, week, etc.) in which a given concept was found.

reformer v prohibitionist - 24 hours

type of substance - 24 hours

cannabis topics - 24 hours

reefer madness - 24 hours

mainstream media - 24 hours

drug war propaganda themes - 24 hours

reformer v prohibitionist - last week

type of substance - last week

cannabis topics - last week

reefer madness - last week

mainstream media - last week

drug war propaganda themes - last week

reformer v prohibitionist - last month by week

type of substance - last month by week

cannabis topics - last month by week

reefer madness - last month by week

mainstream media - last month by week

drug war propaganda themes - last month by week

reformer v prohibitionist - last month by day

type of substance - last month by day

cannabis topics - last month by day

reefer madness - last month by day

mainstream media - last month by day

drug war propaganda themes - last month by day