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DrugSense News Bot Crossword
DrugSense News Bot Crossword
August 2, 2012
1 - Prohibitionists try to scare people away from drugs by
stoking _. (Rhymes with "tears".)
5 - _ and Chong.
7 - The acronym for a US federal investigation bureau,
the first official task of which was visiting and making surveys of houses of prostitution in preparation for enforcing the "White Slave Traffic Act," or Mann Act, passed on June 25, 1910.
9 - The slang term for inhaling the vapors of a (burning) cannabis
11 - This term refers to one who is in prison - not to one's mate
at the inn.
12 - A long strip of cloth bearing a slogan or design, hung in a public place or carried in a demonstration or procession. Also, a type of web advertizement.
13 - A type of person who, due to insufficient age, is legally unable to
purchase tobacco, alcohol, etc. Also, major opposite.
15 - A term for back-and-forth discussion of issues, which,
prohibitionists often seek to avoid. Rhymes with "rebate."
17 - Common term for a medicinal leaf harvested from a tree
(mitragyna speciosa) native to Southeast Asia. Rhymes with "Rat-Tom".
19 - Acronym for the hallucinogen, lysergic acid diethylamide.
20 - To abduct and hold a person for ransom.
21 - Surname of the former head of the Drug Enforcement Administration,
who, upon retiring from the DEA, took a job with the DEA prime contractor corporation
Motorola, as a lobbyist. Rhymes with "randy."
2 -
Secured Electronic Network for Travelers' Rapid Inspection (acronym).
3 - Common name for the leaves and small twigs of catha edulis
(an evergreen shrub containing cathinone and cathine), traditionally
chewed by people of East Africa and the Middle East, as a mild stimulant.
4 - Another name for a youth over the age of twelve - and rhymes with "green".
6 - A term meaning "prostitutes". Rhymes with "lookers".
8 - A variety of cannabis, said to originate in India; not cannabis sativa, but
cannabis _.
10 - Australian street-name for a smokable form of methamphetamine; also,
a word meaning frozen water.
12 - Purchasing back something previously sold. Rhymes with "blow-back".
14 - Of or pertaining to race or difference in race. "Driving While Black"
is an example of _ discrimination.
15 - An acronym for the Drug Policy Alliance.
16 - One who has authoritative knowledge of or skill in a particular area.
17 - Another term for children; also, the young of goats.
18 - A street-name for the stimulant mephedrone. Also, the sound a cat makes.
media charts
 Bot's analysis of: "The Dangers and Consequences of Marijuana Abuse" the U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Demand Reduction Section, May 2014 more >>