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memantine(0 articles)
Description: Memantine is an NMDA-antagonist that is believed to block glutamate-related excitotoxicity and mitigate some of the symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease. Although research does not yet support the claim, some people claim memantine improves the cognitive abilities of healthy people. In 2005, the US FDA rejected an application to allow memantine to be prescribed to patients with mild AD, suggesting the efficacy and safety for patients without severe impairment is not yet well documented. (1-amino-3,5-dimethyladamantane hydrochloride)
Wonder Drug Cover-Up: Yes, it's true: pot fights cancer.
As Bad For Your Lungs As Smoking 20 Normal Cigarettes? 20 times more likely to cause cancer than tobacco? Why does the US Government make cannabis researchers use only Government-issued marijuana?