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"Reefer Madness"

"Reefer Madness"

Women cry for it! Men die for it! ''REEFER MADNESS''
maniacal laughing due to the effects of marijuana
The book...
Reefer Madness: Revisited
Reefer Madness: Revisited An illustrated screenplay for the 1936 camp-classic Reefer Madness, using the actual words from the movie. Plus, more marijuana insanity from the early 20th century -- and cannabis craziness now! 2008 (Paperback, 122 pages, wire-O bound. Cafepress)
The Burning Question - The Love Weed - Women Cry for it! Men Die for it!

The classic 1936 movie

movie: Reefer Madness, 1936
''Hopelessly and incurably insane, a condition caused by the drug marihuana'' — "Reefer Madness"

  • Watch the movie online at
  • Watch the movie online or download it from "Reefer Madness" movie, various formats (apx. 68 minutes.)

  • Listen to "Reefer Madness", (audio only):

  • Read about the movie on Wikipedia: "Reefer Madness" entry
  • Read about the movie, Steven Jacobson: Hypnosis and "Reefer Madness"
  • "Reefer Madness" - the screenplay, movie script. A reconstruction of the 1936 classic.
    Complete! Including added direction. Including html, PDF, and word processing downloadable formats.
    Not found elsewhere... Not available elsewhere...
    A DrugSense + MAPInc + DrugPolicyCentral first!
  • Reefer Madness Audio News Report: ~ 10 minute daily "reefer madness" news report (mp3 audio)
    (podcast xml)
  • Drug War Distortions: Cannabis and Mental Illness
    NEWS  -------------  BREAKING
  • News Bot: breaking news about reefer madness
  • government + big business partner to scapegoat potheads with reefer madness propaganda
    Media Campaign: "Marijuana and Your Teen's Mental Health
    Reefer Madness! - Weed fom the Devil's Garden!

  • Drug War Distortions: Emergency Room Visits
  • Media Suffers Attack of Cannabis Psychosis Dirk Hanson, Addiction Inbox; The Science of Substance Abuse (Aug. 2007)
  • UKCIA; Cannabis and Mental health

  • Various prohibitionist propaganda book covers, posters and other images (on this site)

    more "Reefer Madness" ...

  • Reefer madness Collection - Hundreds of examples of how Reefer Madness became widespread, and
    The horrors of marijuana in popular literature

  • The Reefer Madness Propaganda Teaching Museum
    An Online History Museum of Reefer Madness Propaganda
    Dating Back To The Mid 1800's & The Lies That We Were Told.