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Jacob Beltran, Reporter - San Antonio Express-News

Found: Mon Jan 27 14:06:48 2025 PST
Source: Express (CN BC)
Copyright: 2025 Kootenay Express Communication
Source: Express (Nelson, CN BC)
Copyright: 2025 Kootenay Express Communication Corp.
Webpage: [translate]
Author: Nancy M. Preyor-Johnson, Raul Trey Lopez, Jacob Beltran,

topical analysis

propaganda analysis

Jacob Beltran, Reporter - San Antonio Express-News Jacob Beltran, Reporter - San Antonio Express-News

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Jacob Beltran


Jacob Beltran covers crime, breaking news and general assignments for the Express-News. He can be reached at

A San Antonio native, Jacob began his journalism career in 2010. He's worked for the student-run newspaper for San Antonio College, The Ranger, and for Texas A&M University-San Antonio, The Mesquite.

He enjoys video games, photography and exploring during his free time.

BCSO: Mother accused of abandoning kids found drinking, also had cocaine

Bexar County sheriff's deputies said Misty Dawn Lewis, 36, is charged with abandoning or endangering a child without intent to return, and possession of a controlled substance.

Man arrested for alleged bomb threat at Lackland's security gate

Air Force and San Antonio police officials said a man was arrested for making an alleged bomb threat at the Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland security gate.

Funeral held for Baby Mary, who was partially flushed down a Whataburger toilet

A funeral was held for Baby Mary, whose mother is accused of giving birth to her in a Whataburger restroom and attempting to flush her down a toilet.

The number of San Antonio police officers shot in Stone Oak sets grim milestone

The number of San Antonio Police Department officers who were shot by Brandon Scott Poulos sets a grim milestone.

Recent Stories by Jacob Beltran

BCSO: Mother accused of abandoning kids found drinking, also had cocaine

Bexar County sheriff's deputies said Misty Dawn Lewis, 36, is charged with abandoning or...

By Jacob Beltran

Man arrested for alleged bomb threat at Lackland's security gate

Air Force and San Antonio police officials said a man was arrested for making an alleged...

By Jacob Beltran

Funeral held for Baby Mary, who was partially flushed down a Whataburger toilet

A funeral was held for Baby Mary, whose mother is accused of giving birth to her in...

By Jacob Beltran

The number of San Antonio police officers shot in Stone Oak sets grim milestone

The number of San Antonio Police Department officers who were shot by Brandon Scott Poulos...

By Nancy M. Preyor-Johnson and Jacob Beltran

Man who shot 7 SAPD police officers in Stone Oak was military veteran

Brandon Scott Poulos, who shot and wounded 7 San Antonio police officers, had been...

By Nancy M. Preyor-Johnson, Raul Trey Lopez, Jacob Beltran

Newborn baby abandoned on East Side sidewalk in below-freezing weather

San Antonio police said they are investigating after a newborn baby was abandoned on an...

By Jacob Beltran

Man killed in apparent road rage shooting, both men pulled out guns

A 41-year-old man was killed after an apparent case of road rage ended in a deadly...

By Jacob Beltran

SAPD investigating threat to 'put a bullet' in dog's head

Police said they investigated a social media threat to put a "bullet" in dog's head, but...

By Jacob Beltran

D.A. responds after release of San Antonio woman accused of beating dog

San Antonio police arrested Havanna Miller, 20, who faces an animal cruelty charge. A...

By Jacob Beltran

Woman accused of killing man, burning pickup extradited to Bexar County

Faith Paige Goynes, 40, was moved to the Bexar County jail Thursday to face a murder...

By Jacob Beltran

Fight over barking dogs ends in fatal shooting at RV Park Southeast of SA

Michael Dimaggio is accused of shooting and killing a 39-year-old man after a...

By Jacob Beltran

SAPD officers will help provide security at Donald Trump inauguration

A total of 61 San Antonio officers will travel to Washington to help provide security at...

By Jacob Beltran

Family of girl killed at preschool seeks GoFundMe donations for hospital bills

The family of MKaya Amrani, a 14-month-old girl fatally wounded in the ExcellED Montessori...

By Jacob Beltran

11-year-old boy killed in South Bexar County blaze, firefighters wounded

An 11-year-old boy was killed in a South Bexar County fire that also wounded two...

By Jacob Beltran

'So vile' -- SA artist yells 'N word,' throws wine at painting at DreamWeek show

Adel Hernandez is accused of yelling racial slurs and throwing wine on artwork during an...

By Jacob Beltran

Let's Play

Really Bad Chess

analysis of article text

prohibitionist hits:0 government drug warrior (prohibition_agency) hits:0 propaganda (drugwar_propaganda) hits:22 legalization hits:0 drug_reformer hits:0 reform_referenda hits:0 cannabis hits:0 stimulant hits:2 narcotic hits:0 hallucinogen hits:0
    prohibitionist     prohibition_agency     drugwar_propaganda     legalization     drug_reformer
    reform_referenda     cannabis     stimulant     narcotic     hallucinogen

incarceration/prison mentioned? yes .

propaganda analysis

explicit prohibition propaganda (explicit_propaganda) hits:0 hated group (propaganda_theme1) hits:0 madness, violence, illness (propaganda_theme2) hits:10 survival of society (propaganda_theme3) hits:0 gateway, use is abuse (propaganda_theme4) hits:1 children (propaganda_theme5) hits:11 demonize, war, epidemic (propaganda_theme6) hits:0 total prohibition (propaganda_theme7) hits:0 dissent opposed (propaganda_theme8) hits:0
EXP - explicit prohibition propaganda (explicit_propaganda) GRP - hated group (propaganda_theme1) MAD - madness, violence, illness (propaganda_theme2)
SOC - survival of society (propaganda_theme3) USE - gateway, use is abuse (propaganda_theme4) KID - children (propaganda_theme5)
WAR - demonize, war, epidemic (propaganda_theme6) TOT - total prohibition (propaganda_theme7) DIS - dissent opposed (propaganda_theme8)

 drug of abuse implied / mentioned

drug related
[news] [concept]

illegal drugs  
drugwar_propaganda : a drug war propaganda event, campaign release, slogan, or themepropaganda

drugwar propaganda
[news] [concept]

propaganda theme2 propaganda theme5 propaganda theme4 Why Are Americans So Easy to Manipulate? (Bruce E Levine, 2012)
Classic Modern Drug Propaganda
Themes in Chemical Prohibition
Drug War Propaganda (kindle edition)
propaganda_theme2 : drug war propaganda theme: madness, violence, illness caused by drugsmadness, violence, illness

propaganda theme2 80%
[news] [concept]

"murder" "crime" "deadly" "fatal" "fatally" "threat"10Madness Crime Violence Illness (propaganda theme 2)
Distortion 18: Cannabis and Mental Illness
No, marijuana use doesn't lower your IQ (10/2014)
 use is abuse

use is abuse
[news] [concept]

"possession of a controlled substance"1Use is Abuse (propaganda theme 4)
propaganda_theme4 : drug war propaganda theme: all use is abuse, gatewaygateway, use is abuse

propaganda theme4
[news] [concept]

use is abuse Use is Abuse, Gateway (propaganda theme 4)
propaganda_theme5 : drug war propaganda theme: children corrupted by drugschildren

propaganda theme5 75%
[news] [concept]

"child" "kids" "Newborn" "Baby"11Children Corrupted (propaganda theme 5)
Think of the children
 drug of abuse

illegal drugs
[news] [concept]

various illegal drugs stimulant  
 drug law 80%
[news] [concept]
"controlled substance"1History of United States drug pr...
 psychoactive chemical

[news] [concept]

alcohol cocaine
 euphoric stimulant
[news] [concept]
 depressant intoxicant 85%
[news] [concept]
[news] [concept]
 alcohol 85%
[news] [concept]
"wine"2Stanton Peele Addiction Web Site
Pot Threatens Booze Profits
cocaine : cocaine; any formcocaine
[news] [concept]
 various illegal drugs 80%
[news] [concept]
"controlled substance"
DEA's Drugs of Abuse booklet
[news] [concept]
"jail"1Prison Hell in America (Stephen Lendman, Oct. 2011)
Understanding the U.S. Torture State
this is what a police state looks like
Torture and the United States and... drugs.htm
US Official Prison Policy: Encourage Men's Rape (2014)
Profit Driven Prison Industrial Complex (2012)
The Top Five Special Interest Groups Lobbying To Keep Marijuana Illegal
Sing a Little Louder
Prison Rape Widely Ignored by Authorities
Push Back Against Drug War Profiteering with Jury Nullification
 youth 75%
[news] [concept]
propaganda theme5
[news] [concept]
"College" "University-San"
 aggrandizing government

[news] [concept]

"officials"2Statism: the Most Dangerous Religion (2014 video)
What is Statism?
Conservapedia: Statism
Wikipedia: Statolatry
Bought Priesthood
Worship of the U. S. Government (2011)
Bureaucratic Thrust
Tyranny of Experts
The Threat of Authority (2012)
The Media As Enablers of Government Lies
The Statist Mindset (Jacob Hornberger, 2011)
Thinking Critically about Experts and Authority
'Scientific' evidence for FDA-approved drugs isn't so scientific, it turns out (2014)
The Intellectual Gravy Train (2015)

st:0.01 fo:0 s:0 d:0 c:0 db:0.211 a:0.29 m:0.15 t:0.82 (f)

text of article used for CRITICAL ANALYSIS, under FAIR USE provisions of the Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. § 107, et al.

media charts

Bot's analysis of: "The Dangers and Consequences of Marijuana Abuse" the U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Demand Reduction Section, May 2014
more >>

Newsbot crossword puzzles!

Drug War

A review and analysis of modern prohibition rhetoric

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  •   Wonder Drug Cover-Up: Yes, it's true: pot fights cancer. more

    As Bad For Your Lungs As Smoking 20 Normal Cigarettes? 20 times more likely to cause cancer than tobacco? Why does the US Government make cannabis researchers use only Government-issued marijuana?


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    article tags


    aggrandizement concept - terms of aggrandizement (of government)
    school concept
    youth concept
    incarceration concept - Prisons, Jails and Probation
    various_illegal_drugs concept - general terms for illegal drugs
    cocaine concept - cocaine; any form
    alcohol concept - ethyl alcohol for intoxication
    stimulant concept - a substance that produces stimulation
    depressant_intoxicant concept
    euphoric_stimulant concept
    chemicals concept - Psychoactive Chemicals are chemicals which have mind- or emotion-altering properties.
    drug_law concept
    illegal_drugs concept - drugs of abuse, so-called
    propaganda_theme5 concept - drug war propaganda theme: children corrupted by drugs
    propaganda_theme4 concept - drug war propaganda theme: all use is abuse, gateway
    use_is_abuse concept - drug war propaganda theme: all use is abuse
    propaganda_theme2 concept - drug war propaganda theme: madness, violence, illness caused by drugs
    drugwar_propaganda concept - a drug war propaganda event, campaign release, slogan, or theme
    drug_related concept - related to illegal drugs and prohibition