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A Drug War Carol

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propaganda analysis

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Harrington family: Let there be lights

There's some lighthearted holiday activity going on west of Harrington. The ... read more

Alleged drug dealer arrested in sting op

On December 19, 2024, Okeechobee County Sheriff's Narcotics Task Force members ... read more

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analysis of article text

prohibitionist hits:0 government drug warrior (prohibition_agency) hits:1 propaganda (drugwar_propaganda) hits:9 legalization hits:0 drug_reformer hits:0 reform_referenda hits:0 cannabis hits:0 stimulant hits:0 narcotic hits:1 hallucinogen hits:0
    prohibitionist     prohibition_agency     drugwar_propaganda     legalization     drug_reformer
    reform_referenda     cannabis     stimulant     narcotic     hallucinogen

incarceration/prison mentioned? NO - the issue of prison or incarceration was NOT mentioned in this article .

propaganda analysis

explicit prohibition propaganda (explicit_propaganda) hits:0 hated group (propaganda_theme1) hits:2 madness, violence, illness (propaganda_theme2) hits:0 survival of society (propaganda_theme3) hits:7 gateway, use is abuse (propaganda_theme4) hits:0 children (propaganda_theme5) hits:0 demonize, war, epidemic (propaganda_theme6) hits:0 total prohibition (propaganda_theme7) hits:0 dissent opposed (propaganda_theme8) hits:0
EXP - explicit prohibition propaganda (explicit_propaganda) GRP - hated group (propaganda_theme1) MAD - madness, violence, illness (propaganda_theme2)
SOC - survival of society (propaganda_theme3) USE - gateway, use is abuse (propaganda_theme4) KID - children (propaganda_theme5)
WAR - demonize, war, epidemic (propaganda_theme6) TOT - total prohibition (propaganda_theme7) DIS - dissent opposed (propaganda_theme8)

 drug of abuse implied / mentioned

drug related
[news] [concept]

prohibition agency illegal drugs  
drugwar_propaganda : a drug war propaganda event, campaign release, slogan, or themepropaganda

drugwar propaganda
[news] [concept]

propaganda theme1 propaganda theme3 Why Are Americans So Easy to Manipulate? (Bruce E Levine, 2012)
Classic Modern Drug Propaganda
Themes in Chemical Prohibition
Drug War Propaganda (kindle edition)
propaganda_theme1 : drug war propaganda theme: hated groupshated group

propaganda theme1
[news] [concept]

"drug dealer" "dealer"2Hated Groups (propaganda theme 1)
America's Racist Drug laws
Labeling theory
Transfer (propaganda)
propaganda_theme3 : drug war propaganda theme: survival of societysurvival of society

propaganda theme3 60%
[news] [concept]

"democracy" "community" "communities"7Survival of Society (propaganda theme 3)
The "Nation" as a Device To Create a Psychological Crowd
 drug of abuse

illegal drugs
[news] [concept]

narcotic various illegal drugs  
 drugs 90%
[news] [concept]
various drugs  
prohibition_agency : various drug prohibition and propaganda agencies and police; tax-supported entities dependent on continuing prohibitiongovernment drug warrior

prohibition agency
[news] [concept]

"Narcotics Task Force"1Drug Enforcement Administration
The Top Five Special Interest Groups Lobbying To Keep Marijuana Illegal
[news] [concept]
"Narcotics"1Managing Pain
 various drugs 90%
[news] [concept]
 various illegal drugs
[news] [concept]
"drug dealer"
DEA's Drugs of Abuse booklet
 aggrandizing government

[news] [concept]

"officials"1Statism: the Most Dangerous Religion (2014 video)
What is Statism?
Conservapedia: Statism
Wikipedia: Statolatry
Bought Priesthood
Worship of the U. S. Government (2011)
Bureaucratic Thrust
Tyranny of Experts
The Threat of Authority (2012)
The Media As Enablers of Government Lies
The Statist Mindset (Jacob Hornberger, 2011)
Thinking Critically about Experts and Authority
'Scientific' evidence for FDA-approved drugs isn't so scientific, it turns out (2014)
The Intellectual Gravy Train (2015)

st:0.01 fo:0 s:0 d:1.05 c:0.01 db:0.229 a:0.11 m:0.03 t:1.72 (f)

text of article used for CRITICAL ANALYSIS, under FAIR USE provisions of the Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. § 107, et al.

media charts

Bot's analysis of: "The Dangers and Consequences of Marijuana Abuse" the U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Demand Reduction Section, May 2014
more >>

Newsbot crossword puzzles!

Drug War

A review and analysis of modern prohibition rhetoric

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  •   Wonder Drug Cover-Up: Yes, it's true: pot fights cancer. more

    As Bad For Your Lungs As Smoking 20 Normal Cigarettes? 20 times more likely to cause cancer than tobacco? Why does the US Government make cannabis researchers use only Government-issued marijuana?


    Observer's Propaganda Picks
    dripping with drug-war propaganda!

    Prohibition-era cartoons
    Anti-prohibition political cartoons from Prohibition I.

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    article tags


    aggrandizement concept - terms of aggrandizement (of government)
    various_illegal_drugs concept - general terms for illegal drugs
    various_drugs concept - general terms for drugs
    narcotic concept - a drug that dulls senses, relieves pain, induces sleep
    prohibition_agency concept - various drug prohibition and propaganda agencies and police; tax-supported entities dependent on continuing prohibition
    drugs concept
    illegal_drugs concept - drugs of abuse, so-called
    propaganda_theme3 concept - drug war propaganda theme: survival of society
    propaganda_theme1 concept - drug war propaganda theme: hated groups
    drugwar_propaganda concept - a drug war propaganda event, campaign release, slogan, or theme
    drug_related concept - related to illegal drugs and prohibition