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Home - Cleveland Stater

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Author: Lainey Novak,

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* News * All News

Bloomberg discusses strategic plan, budget cuts, the election, campus safety and mice

In an interview with The Cleveland Stater, Dr. Laura Bloomberg outlined CSU's priorities through 2030, and addressed possible challenges in funding, safety and higher education under the Trump administration.

Pete Buttigieg highlights Midwest infrastructure at Cleveland City Club Forum, meets students

The U.S. Secretary of Transportation discussed federal investments, climate equity and transportation challenges during his Cleveland visit, and later met a select group of the region's students, including several from CSU, after his City Club appearance.

CSU's alumni: Where are they now?

What have CSU alums been up to since graduation? The Stater spoke to Lauren Hopkins and Alexis Figlar, two recent graduates, to see how life after Cleveland State is treating them.

CSU's Lift Up Vikes! food pantry supports students in need

The Cleveland State community donated food and hygiene products to support students in need during the end-of-semester drive to make sure the food pantry is filled ahead of the winter break.

Do college students have a sports gambling problem?

Sports gambling has caught the attention of tens of millions of Americans. Many of them are closer than you might think, whether it be at home, at work, or at school.

Digital CSU Student Showcase highlights multimedia creativity

The sexism of "Dancing With the Stars" fans

"Dancing With the Stars" viewers hold women involved in the show to much stricter standards than the male stars and judges.

Artists I think should win the four main categories at the 2025 Grammys

Plenty of artists released music that shaped 2024. Here's my list of picks for who should take each category at the 67th annual awards in Los Angeles Feb. 2, 2025.

CSU men's swimming & diving wins Magnus Cup

The 12th annual Magnus Cup resulted in a championship for the men's swimming & diving team, while the women's team took 5th. PreviousNext

Things to do around CSU

News & Community

Opinion & Commentary

CSU police blotter

"Best of" The Cleveland Stater fall 2024 #3

By LAINEY NOVAK -- posted December 13, 2024

In the final edition of the "best of" The Cleveland Stater of 2024, we lead Jordan Shelton's reporting on the rise of gambling addiction among college students. We continue with Alex Martinez's reporting on Lift Up Vikes! Fill the Truck event. * Read now

CSU theater's "Urinetown" is a splash at Playhouse Square

By EVAN PETERS -- posted November 13, 2024

"Urinetown" is exactly how it sounds: a gothic city that is shaped by its "bathroom" policies where people are only allowed to pee as long as they pay a ridiculous amount of money. * Read now

Vikings celebrate Thanksgiving with an annual feast

Viking Food Co. held its annual Vikesgiving on Nov. 21, allowing students, staff and faculty to celebrate with their friends and family at the CSU dining hall, Viking Marketplace. Along with the early celebration and spread of food, students were able to donate to "Lift Up Vikes! (LUV!)," a resource and food pantry for students on campus. * View now

Student took time out from study at "Cabseasons"

By EVAN PETERS -- posted November 13, 2024

CSU students had the opportunity to "gamble" the night away at "Cabsino: Cabseasons," an annual Campus Activities Board event with prizes, food and other activities. * Read now

CSU public relations students host annual networking event

By EVAN PETERS -- posted October 30, 2024

Students from local universities had the opportunity to listen to presentations by public relations professionals on Student Day while getting to network and connect with them for possible job opportunities in the future. * Read now

"Scooby Doo"'s Mather Mansion Mystery highlighted CSU's Halloween

By SOPHIE FARRAR -- posted November 4, 2024

CAB and CSU Residence Life organized the event Oct. 30, which featured a ghost tour, dance floor, craft room and more. * Read now

Trump's reelection sparks anxiety among LGBTQ students over rights and protections

By KAINA K** - posted December 5, 2024

As news of Donald Trump's reelection spread across the nation Nov. 5, many in the LGBTQ community felt a familiar wave of anxiety and fear. * Read now

Stater editors discuss the results of the 2024 election

Evan, Lainey, Lauren and Alex talk about the results of the 2024 presidential and general election. * Listen now

Speaking truth to power has never been more important

By LAINEY NOVAK -- posted November 8, 2024

In the coming age of Trump, finding the strength, purpose and courage to tell stories that matter in the wake of a divisive election is every journalist's duty. * Read now

Kamala Harris' impossible battle against hate

By LAUREN SCHWAN -- posted November 17, 2024

Kamala Harris lost the 2024 presidential race. As someone who holds social politics and equality as paramount issues, the vote for a candidate who represented in many ways the best of America seemed like a no-brainer. Clearly I was in the minority. * Read now

CSU wrestling loses to Columbia in home opener

By SOPHIE FARRAR -- posted November 17, 2024

The Vikings fell to the Lions 27-15 on Friday at the Woodling Gymnasium. * Read now




Find what you're looking for, by searching the new Cleveland Stater site!

Past issues of The Cleveland Stater can be found through the CSU library.

Office: Music & Communication Building 248,

analysis of article text

prohibitionist hits:0 government drug warrior (prohibition_agency) hits:0 propaganda (drugwar_propaganda) hits:12 legalization hits:0 drug_reformer hits:0 reform_referenda hits:0 cannabis hits:0 stimulant hits:0 narcotic hits:0 hallucinogen hits:0
    prohibitionist     prohibition_agency     drugwar_propaganda     legalization     drug_reformer
    reform_referenda     cannabis     stimulant     narcotic     hallucinogen

incarceration/prison mentioned? NO - the issue of prison or incarceration was NOT mentioned in this article .

propaganda analysis

explicit prohibition propaganda (explicit_propaganda) hits:0 hated group (propaganda_theme1) hits:0 madness, violence, illness (propaganda_theme2) hits:5 survival of society (propaganda_theme3) hits:6 gateway, use is abuse (propaganda_theme4) hits:0 children (propaganda_theme5) hits:0 demonize, war, epidemic (propaganda_theme6) hits:1 total prohibition (propaganda_theme7) hits:0 dissent opposed (propaganda_theme8) hits:0
EXP - explicit prohibition propaganda (explicit_propaganda) GRP - hated group (propaganda_theme1) MAD - madness, violence, illness (propaganda_theme2)
SOC - survival of society (propaganda_theme3) USE - gateway, use is abuse (propaganda_theme4) KID - children (propaganda_theme5)
WAR - demonize, war, epidemic (propaganda_theme6) TOT - total prohibition (propaganda_theme7) DIS - dissent opposed (propaganda_theme8)

 drug of abuse implied / mentioned

drug related 60%
[news] [concept]

illegal drugs  
drugwar_propaganda : a drug war propaganda event, campaign release, slogan, or themepropaganda

drugwar propaganda 75%
[news] [concept]

propaganda theme2 propaganda theme3 propaganda theme6 Why Are Americans So Easy to Manipulate? (Bruce E Levine, 2012)
Classic Modern Drug Propaganda
Themes in Chemical Prohibition
Drug War Propaganda (kindle edition)
 addiction 60%
[news] [concept]
"addiction"1Twelve-Step Snake Oil (2012)
Ceremonial Chemistry: The Ritual Persecution of Drugs, Addicts, and Pushers (Thomas Szasz)
Rat Park
Most People With Addiction Simply Grow Out of It: Why Is This Widely Denied? (2014)
propaganda_theme2 : drug war propaganda theme: madness, violence, illness caused by drugsmadness, violence, illness

propaganda theme2 60%
[news] [concept]

"anxiety" "problem" "fear" addiction4Madness Crime Violence Illness (propaganda theme 2)
Distortion 18: Cannabis and Mental Illness
No, marijuana use doesn't lower your IQ (10/2014)
propaganda_theme3 : drug war propaganda theme: survival of societysurvival of society

propaganda theme3 75%
[news] [concept]

"Americans" "America" "community" "the nation"6Survival of Society (propaganda theme 3)
The "Nation" as a Device To Create a Psychological Crowd
propaganda_theme6 : drug war propaganda theme: demonize; use of drugs is epidemic; wardemonize, war, epidemic

propaganda theme6 60%
[news] [concept]

"battle"1Demonize, War (propaganda theme 6)
List of Wars on Concepts
Perpetual war
The Failed War on Drugs (2012)
 drug of abuse

illegal drugs 60%
[news] [concept]

 local police logs

police related news
[news] [concept]

"police blotter" "police"
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
[news] [concept]
"school" "college"

st:0.01 fo:0 s:0 d:1.05 c:0.01 db:0.152 a:0.39 m:0.08 t:1.87 (f)

text of article used for CRITICAL ANALYSIS, under FAIR USE provisions of the Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. § 107, et al.

media charts

Bot's analysis of: "The Dangers and Consequences of Marijuana Abuse" the U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Demand Reduction Section, May 2014
more >>

Newsbot crossword puzzles!

Drug War

A review and analysis of modern prohibition rhetoric

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  •   Wonder Drug Cover-Up: Yes, it's true: pot fights cancer. more

    As Bad For Your Lungs As Smoking 20 Normal Cigarettes? 20 times more likely to cause cancer than tobacco? Why does the US Government make cannabis researchers use only Government-issued marijuana?


    Observer's Propaganda Picks
    dripping with drug-war propaganda!

    Prohibition-era cartoons
    Anti-prohibition political cartoons from Prohibition I.

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    article tags


    school concept
    police_related_news concept - local news police logs; listings of crimes in local news
    illegal_drugs concept - drugs of abuse, so-called
    propaganda_theme6 concept - drug war propaganda theme: demonize; use of drugs is epidemic; war
    propaganda_theme3 concept - drug war propaganda theme: survival of society
    propaganda_theme2 concept - drug war propaganda theme: madness, violence, illness caused by drugs
    addiction concept - addition or drug dependency
    drugwar_propaganda concept - a drug war propaganda event, campaign release, slogan, or theme
    drug_related concept - related to illegal drugs and prohibition