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A Belated Christmas in Bokeelia.
Submitted by Publisher on Tue, 01/28/2025 - 14:26
A Pine Island organization, wishing to remain anonymous, has provided John Bohanek, of Bokeelia, items that will help make his day-to-day life a little easier.
John, in his eighties, and a long time Pine Island resident, had his home destroyed by hurricane Ian. He has been living in a travel trailer since and without the multitude of necessities we all take for granted, over two years later. Only some of these necessities have been restored to him.
In the meantime, borrowing electric from a neighbor, burning through limited assets and jumping through the hoops in order to demolish and remove what was left of the old structure, wading through tedious paperwork, and waiting for ridiculous lead, asbestos and other regulation approval, all in a effort to just begin to rebuild. John spent tens of thousands of dollars that he expected to would go to rebuilding and discovered the funds were eaten up on permits, plans, engineering and more; as if there was anything remarkable about a small home architecture. He is disputing with the contractor money spent. Then he began having serious health problems as could be expected for his age.
This belated Christmas delivery from the organization was delayed because he was going through care and rehab for a few weeks at the VA facility in West Palm Beach during the holidays.
John, a military veteran, is known on Pine Island for his tireless efforts for various Pine Island organizations setting-up and helping conduct their fund-raising. Never accepting anything for his invaluable assistance, John could always be depended upon to help.
The organization providing the items to John wants to remain anonymous. Mutual friends approached Pat Burman, owner of, a Bokeelia printing company and asked if she would present the items to John and she agreed.
Pat said, "I might suspect who the organization was, but I don't really know." She had to convince John that these packages were not from her.
She goes on to say, "I have worked with John for many years at various Island events and we got to be close friends. We first met at the MangoMania event over 15 years ago, where he volunteered with the parking and check-in of vendors. and also volunteered at the Kiwanis' "Taste of Pine Island" that I chaired for over 10 years. He was also a huge help at my event, ClamJam of Southwest Florida Seafood & Music Festival. Again checking in vendors and assisting layout of the park, which is a long and tedious job.
He was also a huge help to the Beacon of Hope by hanging Christmas lights and decorating for their "Holiday House" event. John was an invaluable asset at all of these events and spent many long hours helping anywhere he could, doing everything from parking cars to picking up trash, no job was ever too much, no matter how difficult. He was always one of the first to volunteer."
Pat continues, "Over the many years John became like a family member, spending birthdays and holidays at my home." Although he has many friends locally, his family lived far away near Chicago.
John's two story home had been through many storms over the years and survived without too much damage. However, in hurricane Ian, he lost everything he owned, including his home. He is still without a stable home. He has been living in a donated travel trailer for the past 2+ years.
I and my family were so happy when Joan Rosenberg contacted us and told us John was one of the island residents selected for Secret Santa and I was honored to help in this endeavour. It's good when someone is recognized for all the kindness and help they have given the various Island organizations. Thank you John for all your years of volunteering and making a difference and thank you to those who recognized him."
(Editors' note) For all of the talk of cutting red tape and regulations, it seems that in case of real need, it's just that. . .talk)
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* 4th of July, 2021 Parade - Video
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* 4th of July, 2019 -- Here for 4th of July, 2019 Parade video
* ClamJamSWFL Video video link
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* 4th of July, 2018 -- Here for 4th of July, 2018 Parade video
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Wisdom From 450 BC
Just in case you or anyone you know or heard of thinks they have had one original thought in their entire life. . .some technology excluded.
* "The longer a war lasts, the more things tend to depend on accidents."
* "You should punish in the same manner those who commit crimes with those who accuse falsely."
* "Most people, in fact, will not take the trouble in finding out the truth, but are much more inclined to accept the first story they hear."
* "The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools."
* "I am more afraid of our own blunders than of the enemy's devices."
Quotes from Thucydides translated from the classic Greek text:
Born:460 BC, Halimous, Athens (modern Alimos)
Died:400 BC, place of death unknown
Thucydides was an Athenian historian and a general having fought in many Greek battles. Most notably fighting in and cronicaling the Pelopeneasean War in the fifth-century BC between Sparta and Athens manuscript of which he didn't finish for unknown reason. (more to come)
Relevant Quotes
The U.S. Constitution is just words on parchment. If no one protects and defends. . .protects and defends it, God won't bother.
"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine." -- Thomas Jefferson
When accused of colluding with the Russians, Winston Churchill said, "If Hitler invaded Hell, I'd find something nice to say about the Devil himself in the House of Commons."
". . .while the excesses of McCarthyism may be fairly described as a witch hunt, it was a witch hunt with witches, some in government.... " (Thomas Powers, New York Review of Books, 11th May, 2000)
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"If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare The powers of Congress would subvert the very foundation, the very nature of the limited government established by the people of America."--Alexander Hamilton:
"You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else." --Winston Churchill
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